Well, you heard right! Europine and its Fortika products are glossed over from time-to-time. We wanted to remind you how valuable our service is for both residential, commercial, and industrial settings. But why is that? First and foremost, we provide great, high-quality flooring materials. Fortika offers SPC (stone plastic composite), LVP (luxury vinyl plank) and LVT (luxury vinyl tile) floors in a wide array of options. Thanks to Ado Floors, we are able to offer you only the best.

Read this blog on why Europine is the leader of the flooring revolution!

Now, we have gone over many times in our blog postings why a great floor is worthwhile. Let us reach out with a reminder: the choice of floor you use determines the value of your products, services or resale value. Imagine a home that is lined with great furniture, or an office with a great staff. Did you know that there have been formal studies by Kendra Cherry on how our minds perceive value? It is a rather convoluted paradox, but allow us to explain a bit more.

lvt europine

In other words, your choice of floor, as well as your choice in manufacturer and distributor, makes a difference in how the mind interprets the value of something. In this sense, many companies rely on big branding efforts to market themselves as “the best.” But, are they really “the best?” Can anyone just go ahead and say: “We provide the best product or service you will ever receive?” Are we, for that matter? One must ask these questions and do their research first.

And that stage in your process of the buying cycle is right where you are, right now. Yes, right now. You are debating about where to buy the best floor, and surely you have done your homework (I guarantee we are not the only website you have looked at to decide their flooring options). This is not because we offer less quality. Rather, it is the opposite! We provide such great value that we want you to go out, do your research, and keep us in mind. Our contact info is below!

Check out our Products page and more articles on our blog to prove that value to you!

Need Specific Help?

Europine, the only official United States distributor of ADO Flooring, sells quality SPC flooring at manufacturer direct pricing in its Miami location, no matter where you are in the United States. Manufactured with the most advanced technology available in the field, ADO Floor products are crafted in a factory on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast. The only SPC flooring manufacturer in Turkey, ADO Floor is dedicated to producing beautiful, durable products that are available at great pricing. Contact them today to find the right flooring your home or business today!


Europine’s Collections are up to the task in both home and commercial settings. Design your
affordable, easy-care, and fashionable flooring, without sacrificing comfort and style.